

Dr. Sonia Luckey is an Integrative Nurse Practitioner who specializes in Holistic Health through integrating spiritual, mental and emotional and physical health. She helps people connect within to harness the power of the heart, brain, and soul so they can access information, stay centered and be confident as they traverse life challenges.


Live Courses and Workshops

 HeartMath® Resilience Advantage

Summer 2022:  Wednesdays  July 27, Aug 3, Aug 10, Aug 17

Enhance your life and the lives of others by learning scientifically proven heart-centered tools and techniques to help you manage stress, improve focus and concentration, and build resilience.  This is an interactive, virtual 4-week course.

    3:15 pm- 4:45 pm


    Register now


Soul Alliance Collective – Where Masterminding and Accountability meet

Sept 2022

Limited enrollment – Interest list open!

If you could achieve anything, what would that be?  What do you stand for, where do you want to invest your energy, and how do you want to show up in the world?  Hosted by heart-centered experts in business, health, and spiritual psychology, we offer a unique combination of peer accountability and support to sharpen your personal development and business skills, help you move forward in reaching your goals, and be the best version of yourself in the process.

Join the Interest List 



In partnership with UMass Global Extended Education 

Preventing Stress and Burnout: Strategies to Support the Well-Being of Behavioral Health Professionals

Wednesday, July 13 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT | Free Webinar

Behavioral health professionals are continuing to face unprecedented work-related stress and burnout largely brought on by the after-effects of the pandemic. Mental health and self-care are some of the most important areas for behavioral health professionals to cultivate and protect. In this experiential workshop-style webinar, participants will learn a cognitive behavioral process to help cope with stressors, and gain techniques to prevent job burnout through self-care strategies and the use of neurofeedback.

Click here to Register and Access the Replay


Webinar Archives:

Preventing Stress and Burnout: Strategies to Support the Mental Health and Well-Being of Teachers

Jun 16, 2022 | Free Webinar

Teachers are continuing to face unprecedented work-related stress and burnout largely brought on by the after-effects of the pandemic. Mental health and self-care are some of the most important areas for teachers to cultivate and protect. In this experiential workshop-style webinar, participants will learn evidence-based strategies, tools, and practices to help reduce stress and increase well-being through the integration of wellness into your daily life. 

Click here to Register and Access the Replay


Spiritual Psychology: An Emerging Strategy for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health

Apr 20, 2021

As mind and body practices have come into the forefront of mental health, approaches to the spiritual aspects are not always addressed. In this webinar, participants will be introduced to international guidelines for interprofessional spiritual care, concepts of Spiritual Psychology and how this heart-centered approach can be integrated into mental health care and suicide prevention.

Watch the Replay



The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Soul-Aligned Business:
25 Practical Strategies from the Experts

If you're thinking about creating or growing a business that truly aligns with who you are and how you're called to serve the world, this book is for you!   Available June 27, 2022

Learn more



 Living: Superpowers for Health, Love, and Business

As you take steps to live your life authentically, overcome obstacles and step into your magnificence, do you sometimes wonder how other people have overcome similar situations?  In this incredible collaboration, twenty-five experts from all walks of life share vignettes on their own journey to overcome a life situation or challenge and win the victory through their gifts, tools and owning their unique “superpowers.”  You’ll gain new ideas, strategies, insights and perspectives so you can make your own shift to Living Inspired. 

Available July 15, 2022

Learn more